2002年9月29日 星期日

Italy 義大利


Contax T2, CZ Sonnar 2.8/38 T*
Contax RX
Carl Zeiss Distagon 2.8/21 T*
Carl Zeiss Vario Sonnar 3.4/35-70 T*
Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/135 T*
Film: Kodak Supra 100, Gold 400

Before going to Italy, my impression of it was limited to Espresso, Cappuccino, Pizza, and Pasta. After going to Italy, I was able to truly appreciate its art and culture. From the ruins of ancient Rome to the Renaissance in Florence, from the floating city of Venice to the fashion capital of Milan, the visual impact was so great that my wife and I kept snapping photos. I hope these photos can provide some travel tips for friends who are planning to visit Italy, and can also bring back sweet memories for those who have already been there. By the way, July and August are the hottest months in Italy (35-40 degrees Celsius), and St. Mark's Square in Venice may be flooded. It is best to avoid these months.

Here is my itinerary:

Day 1: Taipei - fly to Abu Dhabi - fly to Rome 
Day 2: Rome - Pompeii - Naples 
Day 3: Naples - ship - Capri Island - cable car - ship - Sorrento - Rome 
Day 4: Rome - Colosseum - Arch of Constantine - Pantheon - St. Peter's Basilica - Trevi Fountain - Spanish Steps - night tour 
Day 5: Rome - Siena - Cathedral - Piazza del Campo - Leaning Tower of Pisa - Pisa
Day 6: Pisa - Florence - Piazzale Michelangelo - Duomo - Piazza della Signoria - Pisa 
Day 7: Pisa - Murano Island - Venice - Rialto Bridge - St. Mark's Basilica - Gondola ride 
Day 8: Venice - Verona - Arena - Milan - La Scala Opera House - Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - Duomo di Milano - Milan 
Day 9-10: Milan - fly to Rome - fly to Taipei


Day1 台北-fly->阿布達比-fly->羅馬
Day2 羅馬->龐貝古城->拿坡里
Day3 拿坡里>-ship->卡不里島->觀光纜車-ship->蘇連多->羅馬
Day4 羅馬->競技場->君士坦丁凱旋門->萬神殿->聖彼得大教堂->許願池->西班牙台階->夜遊
Day5 羅馬->西恩那->主教堂->貝殼廣場->比薩斜塔->比薩
Day6 比薩->佛羅倫斯(翡冷翠)->米開朗基羅廣場>->聖母百花大教堂->市政廳廣場->比薩
Day7 比薩->暮拉諾島->威尼斯->嘆息橋->聖馬可大教堂->槓多拉
Day8 威尼斯->維諾那->小競技場->米蘭->史卡拉歌劇院->艾曼紐二世拱廊->米蘭大教堂->米蘭
Day9-10 米蘭-fly->羅馬-fly->台北