2009年9月6日 星期日

Canon PowerShot A570IS


For most people, a point-and-shoot digital camera is just a matter of convenience and style. But for me, who has transitioned from film to digital, I hope to find a digital point-and-shoot camera that can be used for 5-10 years and has complete functions.

Here are the criteria I set for my point-and-shoot camera:
  • Optical viewfinder: If the battery runs out, you can still take pictures for a while by turning off the LCD. When the sun is strong outdoors, the LCD is not bright enough, so you still need to use the optical viewfinder.
  • Traditional AA batteries: Not only do point-and-shoot camera models change every year, but lithium batteries also change frequently. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to find batteries for old point-and-shoot cameras.
  • Date timer: The date timer must use an independent button battery. Now, most point-and-shoot cameras use rechargeable batteries on the motherboard. It is very troublesome if the rechargeable battery breaks.
  • Complete photography functions: Functions such as Av, Tv, P, M, exposure compensation, flash compensation, and image stabilization are essential.
After careful selection, I chose the Canon Power Shot A570 IS at the time. I still think it can be used for several more years.

  • 光學觀景窗: 電池快沒電時,只要把LCD關掉,還可再拍一陣子。戶外陽光強時,LCD亮度不夠,還是要回歸光學觀景窗。
  • 傳統AA電池: 不只DC款式年年更新,就連鋰電池也常改朝換代,老DC的電池也越來越難買。
  • 日期計時器: 日期計時器要採用獨立的鈕扣電池,現在的DC幾乎都是用基板上充電電池,充電電池壞了是很麻煩的事情。
  • 攝影功能齊備: Av, Tv, P, M, 曝光補償, 閃燈補償, 防手震 ...等功能必須齊備。
精挑細選下,當時挑了Canon Power Shot A570 IS,用到現在覺得它還可以用上好幾年。

My point-and-shoot digital camera 我的隨身DC

On Saturday afternoon, I took my daughter to class. I usually park my car in the underground parking lot of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. After parking my car and walking up to the square, it was around 6:00 pm. Depending on the season, the sky may still be sunny or overcast at this time. With a point-and-shoot camera in hand, you can find beautiful scenery everywhere.

Photo 1:National Theatre in the sunset glow 夕陽餘暉下的國家戲劇院

Photo 2:National Theatre hidden in the alley 隱身巷弄中的國家戲劇院

Other photos can be found in the DC A570IS album.
其他相片請參閱 隨身DC A570IS 相簿.