2011年9月11日 星期日

Yashica AF J3 @ Lukang Folk Arts Museum 鹿港民俗文物館


It's been a long time since I last used a film camera. I recently purchased a budget-friendly point-and-shoot camera, the Yashica AF J3, from an online auction. Equipped with Fujifilm RDPIII slide film, I decided to test the camera's functionality during my trip to Lukang. Fortunately, the camera's exposure turned out to be quite accurate, capturing vibrant colors of the historical landmarks in Lukang Folk Arts Museum. However, there are drawbacks; the camera's fixed 33mm lens exhibits noticeable distortion at the edges of the images and occasional focus issues.

This camera boasts a unique feature called N.A. Scope, with N.A. standing for New Angle. Essentially, it's a waist-level viewfinder, particularly useful for low-angle shooting scenes. In the era of film cameras, especially point-and-shoots, the idea of having a digital camera with a flip-out screen supporting various angles for composition was unimaginable. Yashica later incorporated this viewfinder into almost all the models in the T series of point-and-shoot cameras, with the Yashica T3 Super being the most renowned.

Apart from delicious local snacks, Lukang is home to must-visit historical sites such as Lungshan Temple, Mazu Temple, and the Folk Arts Museum. The museum's exhibition halls are pleasantly air-conditioned, likely for artifact preservation, making it tempting to leave a jacket behind. Both the exterior and interior of the museum are well-maintained, making it a worthwhile destination for enthusiasts of architectural photography, offering a place to savor and appreciate in detail

很久沒有用底片機了,從網拍上購得一台千元傻瓜相機 Yashica AF J3,搭上Fujifilm RDPIII 正片,利用這次鹿港之旅測試看看相機是否正常。很幸運的,相機的曝光非常正常,幾張鹿港民俗文物館的古蹟發色不俗。不過也有缺點,這相機的鏡頭是定焦33mm,影像邊緣變形以及失焦的情況略為嚴重。

這台相機有個特別的功能,Yashica 叫它 N.A. Scope,N.A.據說是 New Angle 的意思,其實就是邀坪觀景窗,這對低角度的拍攝場景很有用,現在的數位相機都提供了多角度的可翻轉螢幕來支援特殊角度的構圖,這在底片相機的時代,尤其是傻瓜相機,根本是想都不用想。Yashica後來在T系列傻瓜相機中幾乎都加了這個觀景窗,最有名的應該是Yashcia T3 Super了。


Lukang Folk Arts Museum Exterior 鹿港民俗文物館外觀

Bicycles available for borrowing inside the museum 館內可供借用的腳踏車

For more selected photos, please refer to the Lukang Folk Arts Museum album.

其他精選相片,請參閱 鹿港民俗文物館 相簿