2012年10月12日 星期五

Yashica MAT-124G @ Vanilla Fifi 宜蘭香草菲菲


Discovering Vanilla Fifi was somewhat accidental. This year, for our anniversary on Qixi Valentine's Day, I ordered a soda maker as a birthday gift for my wife. Along with the package came three tickets to Vanilla Fifi, which I've been holding onto. Today happened to be the day for the parents' profession explanation activity at my daughter's school during morning reading time. My wife and I took a day off to cycle around Meihua Lake and decided to visit this emerging attraction. 


The entire building is designed with the concept of a ventilated factory, both in its exterior and interior, presenting a consistent white color scheme. Therefore, I had initially prepared black and white film to better capture the structure and texture of the building. For the camera, I brought along my trusty Yashica MAT-124G, a portable 120 film camera. Inside, while taking photos, a guide, around 20 years old, struck up a conversation with me about the camera I was using. For him, it seemed like an antique, probably his first encounter with a TLR camera. I had to start explaining from the basics of film, and luckily, he was familiar with 35mm film. In a few more years, young people might not even know what film is, and even companies like Kodak could become unknown to them!

整棟建築設計是以通風廠房的概念來設計,外觀和內部清一色是白色調,所以我一開始就準備了黑白底片,這樣比較能呈現建物的構造和質感。相機不多說,就是120底片的隨身機 Yashica MAT-124G。室內拍攝當下,一位現場約莫20來歲的解說員和我聊起手上的相機,對他而言真的是骨董了,大概是第一次看到TLR相機,我只好從底片該始講起,還好他知道135底片,再過幾年,年輕人應該都不知到底片是何物? 連Kodak這家公司也毫無所悉了吧!

Photo 1: Vanilla Fifi Exterior 香草菲菲外觀, Yashica MAT-124G

Photo 2:Vanilla Fifi Interior 香草菲菲內部, Yashica MAT-124G

Yilan Vanilla Fifi Photo Album
宜蘭香草菲菲 相簿