2006年7月31日 星期一

Shooting with Contax Zeiss lenses CONTAX 蔡司銘鏡外拍


In the 30 years that Kyocera Yashica produced CONTAX SLR cameras, they produced many famous lenses. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to collect some of them in the last 10 years (1995-2005). The lenses used for this outdoor shooting are all lenses that are highly regarded by Zeiss fans: Carl Zeiss Distagon 2.8/21mm T*, Distagon 1.4/35mm T*, Planar 1.4/85mm T*, and Sonnar 2.8/180mm T*. The camera is paired with the last CONTAX SLR camera, the RXII.
Kyocera Yashica 生產 CONTAX 單眼相機的三十年間,出了許多的銘鏡。很幸運的在最後10年間(1995~2005) 我有機會收集到了一些,這次外拍所使用的鏡頭均是蔡斯迷所推崇的鏡頭 Carl Zeiss Distagon 2.8/21mm T*、Distagon 1.4/35mm T*、Planar 1.4/85mm T*與 Sonnar 2.8/180mm T*。相機部份則搭配最後的 CONTAX 單眼相機 RXII。

Gear 1: CONTAX RXII + Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm T*

Today is Valentine's Day. I had lunch with my wife at Mr.Parco near her office. We had Italian pasta and pizza. It's been a long time since we last came here, before our baby was born.

Around 1:30 pm, I took my CONTAX RXII and four Zeiss lenses to the historic Yuanshan Villa (now Taipei Story House) in front of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. I was planning to take a historical tour, but I was surprised to see a sign that said "Closed on Mondays". To show my respect, I still took out my camera and took some pictures outside the wall.

一點半左右,我帶著CONTAX RXII和4個蔡頭,頂著大太陽來到台北美術館前的古蹟

Photo 1: 台北故事館右側,背光拍攝 (Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm T*)。

Photo 2: 台北故事館正面,順光拍攝 (Carl Zeiss Distagon 2.8/21mm T*)。

其他精彩照片請參閱 Taipei Story House Album 台北故事館相簿

When I left the story house, I still had half a roll of film left to shoot, so I went to nearby Dazhi Bridge to take pictures.


Photo 3: 艷陽忽然被雲朵遮掩了,大直橋躲到了陰影下 (Carl Zeiss Distagon 1.4/35mm T*)。

Photo 4: 大直橋力與美的特寫 (Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/180mm T*)。

其他精彩照片請參閱 Taipei Dazhi Bridge Album 台北大直橋相簿 。

50 Years Old Zeiss Lenses II 五十歲的蔡司老鏡 第2集


The last time I took pictures of abandoned fighter jets in a typhoon, this time I changed to f16 in the bright sun. The taste is completely different. Do the predecessors recall the heroic figure of the Taiwan Strait Air War that year? (PS: I was not born yet that year)

上次颱風天拍攝的廢棄戰機,這次改在f16艷陽天下拍攝,味道完全不同,前輩們是否回憶起當年台海空戰的英姿呢? (PS:當年我還未出生)

Photo 1: F-100軍刀機外觀 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 2: F-100軍刀機的機腹 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 3: F-100軍刀機的引擎室 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 4: F-100軍刀機蒙皮 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 5: F-100軍刀機機尾 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 6: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 7: F-100軍刀機的引擎 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 8: F-100軍刀機駕駛座 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 9: F-100軍刀機鼻輪 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T)

Photo 10: F-100軍刀機引擎葉片 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T)

Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4、Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T、Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T、Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T、Voigtlander BESSA R2C。

Gear 1: 裝上21mm外接觀景窗後的 Voigtlander Bessa R2C 與 SC Skopar 21/4

完整照片 50 Years Old Zeiss Lenses II 五十歲的蔡司老鏡 Part 2

2006年7月30日 星期日

My First DSLR Canon EOS Kiss Digital N ^_^ 台北建國花市


From the moment my daughter was born, I've been using a small DC camera to capture every little moment of her growth. It wasn't until she grow up that I realized the limitations of the small DC camera in capturing her fleeting moments of movement. That's when I made the decision to invest in my first digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera. Based on my past experiences, I knew that for indoor photography without using a flash, I needed an aperture of f2.0 or wider and an ISO setting of at least 400 to freeze the movements of the little one.

Previously, I had considered the Canon EOS Kiss Digital N due to my need to adapt CONTAX lenses, and it naturally became my first choice. In terms of APS standard lenses, I had options like the Canon 35/1.4 L, 35/2.0, and the Sigma 30/1.4. After carefully balancing factors such as portability, quality, and price, I settled on the Sigma 30/1.4.
從小寶一出生就一直用小DC來記錄她成長的點點滴滴,直到一歲時發現小DC的已經無法抓到她移動的瞬間, 才下定決心購進了第一台數位單眼相機。按以往經驗,不用閃燈,室內拍攝大概要有ISO400底片f2.0以上的光圈,才有機會凝結小朋友的動作。
之前曾因轉接CONTAX鏡頭的需求而考慮過的 Canon EOS Kiss Digital N順理成章地成為我的首選,APS標準鏡頭方面有 Canon 35/1.4 L、 35/2.0、Sigma 30/1.4可選,最後在輕便、品質、價位上取得平衡,就是 Sigma 30/1.4。

Gear 1: Canon EOS Kiss Digital N + Sigma 30/1.4 EX DG HSM

During the scorching hot summer days in Taipei, where can one find a moment of respite? The Jianguo Holiday Flower Market might be a good choice. It was my first time taking our little one to the flower market, and while she wasn't the most well-behaved, we managed to pass the time for over an hour. In addition to capturing some candid family moments, I also took the opportunity to photograph the vibrant flowers, bunches of roses in particular. In doing so, I couldn't help but feel the atmosphere of the Qixi Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day.


Photo 1: 台北市建國假日花市入口

Photo 2: 鮮花店裡滿是玫瑰花
其他精采照片請參考 Taipei Jianguo Holiday Flower Market Album 台北 建國花市 相簿。

2006年7月14日 星期五

50 Years Old Zeiss lenses I 五十歲的蔡司老鏡 第1集


Today was a typhoon day, with cloudy skies and a light drizzle. I had originally planned to take a day off to go somewhere further away to take photos, but I had to change my plans and head to the National Taiwan University campus to find some subjects to shoot. I took out my Vagolandar Bessa R2C and SC Skopar 21/4 lenses from my camera bag, and I also brought along a few of my Zeiss vintage lenses, which are over 50 years old.
今天是颱風天,天空陰陰的,而且有點飄雨,原本請假想到遠一點的地方拍照,只好轉到台大校園找一些主題拍拍。從防潮箱裡拿出 Vagolandar Bessa R2C 和SC Skopar 21/4 的鏡頭,順便也將幾顆年過半百的蔡斯老鏡帶出來透透氣。

Gear 1: 由左至右分別為 Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T、Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T、Voigtlander Bessa R2C 與 Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T

Gear 2: 由左至右分別為 Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4、Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T、Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T、Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T

Gear 3: Zeiss Opton Lenses for Zeiss Ikon Contax

There is a decommissioned F-100 fighter jet next to the National Taiwan University Department of Mechanical Engineering laboratory. It was originally used for student research, but now only some disassembled components are scattered around the main body of the aircraft. If this aircraft was still in service, it would be about 40 years old. Pairing it with vintage lenses that are also over 50 years old should give it a unique flavor.

Since it was a cloudy day, I chose to use RVP100 film for the shoot. I adjusted the exposure by -0.5 to -1EV, mainly to create a sense of historical atmosphere for the subject. However, this also sacrificed a lot of the details in the shadows. I think I will not make this adjustment next time, as brighter and more vibrant photos are more appealing.


Photo 1: F-100軍刀機的機腹 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 2: F-100軍刀機的外觀 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 3: F-100軍刀機的引擎室 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 4: F-100軍刀機的座艙罩 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 5: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 6: F-100軍刀機的引擎渦輪葉片 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 7: F-100軍刀機的外觀近照 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 8: F-100軍刀機的青天白日 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 9: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T)

Photo 10: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T)

完整照片請參閱 50 Years Old Zeiss Lenses I 五十歲的蔡司老鏡 Part 1 相簿