2006年7月14日 星期五

50 Years Old Zeiss lenses I 五十歲的蔡司老鏡 第1集


Today was a typhoon day, with cloudy skies and a light drizzle. I had originally planned to take a day off to go somewhere further away to take photos, but I had to change my plans and head to the National Taiwan University campus to find some subjects to shoot. I took out my Vagolandar Bessa R2C and SC Skopar 21/4 lenses from my camera bag, and I also brought along a few of my Zeiss vintage lenses, which are over 50 years old.
今天是颱風天,天空陰陰的,而且有點飄雨,原本請假想到遠一點的地方拍照,只好轉到台大校園找一些主題拍拍。從防潮箱裡拿出 Vagolandar Bessa R2C 和SC Skopar 21/4 的鏡頭,順便也將幾顆年過半百的蔡斯老鏡帶出來透透氣。

Gear 1: 由左至右分別為 Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T、Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T、Voigtlander Bessa R2C 與 Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T

Gear 2: 由左至右分別為 Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4、Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T、Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T、Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T

Gear 3: Zeiss Opton Lenses for Zeiss Ikon Contax

There is a decommissioned F-100 fighter jet next to the National Taiwan University Department of Mechanical Engineering laboratory. It was originally used for student research, but now only some disassembled components are scattered around the main body of the aircraft. If this aircraft was still in service, it would be about 40 years old. Pairing it with vintage lenses that are also over 50 years old should give it a unique flavor.

Since it was a cloudy day, I chose to use RVP100 film for the shoot. I adjusted the exposure by -0.5 to -1EV, mainly to create a sense of historical atmosphere for the subject. However, this also sacrificed a lot of the details in the shadows. I think I will not make this adjustment next time, as brighter and more vibrant photos are more appealing.


Photo 1: F-100軍刀機的機腹 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 2: F-100軍刀機的外觀 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 3: F-100軍刀機的引擎室 (Voigtlander SC Skopar 21/4)

Photo 4: F-100軍刀機的座艙罩 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 5: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Biogon 35/2.8 T)

Photo 6: F-100軍刀機的引擎渦輪葉片 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 7: F-100軍刀機的外觀近照 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 8: F-100軍刀機的青天白日 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 50/2 T)

Photo 9: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T)

Photo 10: F-100軍刀機的引擎零件 (Zeiss Opton Sonnar 85/2 T)

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