2008年8月31日 星期日

Canon EF 24-85/3.5-4.5 USM @ Sanxia Minquan Old Street 三峽民權老街


I remember that the Canon EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens was released at the same time as the EOS 50 film camera. The silver version is a kit lens that comes with the silver EOS 50 body. The second-hand price is around NT$4,000-5,000. The focal length is the most common 24-28-35-50-85 on full-frame cameras, which is equivalent to 38-136 on APS-C cameras, making it a slightly telephoto zoom lens. In terms of image quality, the soft feeling when opening the aperture seems to be magnified a lot on APS-C bodies. It is significantly improved when the aperture is reduced to f/8. According to my research on the internet, the image quality of the full-frame body is said to be better than that of the APS-C body. For full-frame cameras, there are three 24mm-start zoom lenses available. If you have a limited budget and can't afford the 24-70mm f/2.8 or 24-105mm f/4 IS, this lens should be your top choice.

Canon EF 24-85/3。5-4。5 USM 這顆鏡頭印象中是隨著 EOS 50 底片機上市一起發售的。銀色的版本是搭配銀色EOS 50機身的 Kit 鏡頭,二手市價約 4000~5000台幣。焦段是全幅機最常用的24-28-35-50-85,在 APS-C 機身上等同焦距 38-136,可當作稍望遠的變焦鏡頭。論成像品質開光圈的鬆軟感覺在 APS-C 機身上好像被放大了不少,光圈縮至f8則有明顯改善。網路上爬文結果,全幅機身的成相品質據說是比 APS-C好一些。針對全幅機,24mm起跳的變焦鏡有3顆,如果預算有限買不起 24-70/2。8,24-105/4 IS,這顆鏡頭應該是首選。

Canon EF 24-85/3.5-4.5 USM

I haven't been to Sanxia in a long time. The last time I came, the Minquan Old Street hadn't been renovated yet. Now it's been completely restored. There are several specialty shops that shouldn't be missed, such as Kangxiyuan's Jinniujiao and Chashanfang's floating soap. However, my favorite is still the streetscape of the old street. Whether it's the broad streetscape brought by the wide-angle lens or the compression effect of the telephoto lens, the geometric beauty of the old buildings is like a painting.


photo 1: Sanxia Zuogong Temple 三峽祖師廟

photo 2: Sanxia Minquan Old Street 三峽民權老街

See other photos in the "Sanxia Minquan Old Street" album.

其他照片請參閱 三峽民權老街 相簿。

2008年8月19日 星期二

Yashica MAT-124G @ Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf 淡水漁人碼頭


YASHICA MAT-124G and TMAX400 are a recent favorite combination for my snapshot photography. With a light meter, phone, keys, wallet, and other small items, everything fits easily into my Domke F5--XB camera bag.

YASHICA MAT-124G與TMAX400是近來常用的組合,非常適合不用腳架的snap-shot拍攝方式,加上測光表、手機、鑰匙、錢包等等一些小東西,通通塞到Domke F5--XB的相機包裡頭,真是輕便。

Yashica MAT-124G TLR

The news that the number of visitors to the Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf has declined prompted me to remember that I hadn't been there in five years. I decided to take a day off from work and go for a walk around the area by myself. The day was sunny and cloudless, and the boardwalk was closed, so there were only boats and the bridge to explore. I took 12 shots in just half an hour. I also happened to have my Canon A570IS with me, so I took a photo of the Fisherman's Wharf with the YASHICA MAT-124G to commemorate my visit.
報紙上說淡水漁人碼頭的遊客銳減,讓我想到這個景點已經有5年未曾到訪,索性向公司請了個特休,自己一個人去拍拍照片。當天風和日麗一點雲都沒有,木棧道沒有開放,只有漁船和跨海大橋可逛,12張底片半個小時內就拍完了,剛好隨身攜帶了Canon A570IS,就幫YASHICA MAT-124G和漁人碼頭的景緻留下一張到此一遊的紀念照。

Photo 1: A boat nearby Fisherman's Wharf  漁人碼頭邊的漁船

Photo 2: Fisherman's Wharf bridge 漁人碼頭的跨海大橋

See other photos in the "Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf" album.

其他照片請參閱 相簿-淡水漁人碼頭