2008年8月19日 星期二

Yashica MAT-124G @ Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf 淡水漁人碼頭


YASHICA MAT-124G and TMAX400 are a recent favorite combination for my snapshot photography. With a light meter, phone, keys, wallet, and other small items, everything fits easily into my Domke F5--XB camera bag.

YASHICA MAT-124G與TMAX400是近來常用的組合,非常適合不用腳架的snap-shot拍攝方式,加上測光表、手機、鑰匙、錢包等等一些小東西,通通塞到Domke F5--XB的相機包裡頭,真是輕便。

Yashica MAT-124G TLR

The news that the number of visitors to the Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf has declined prompted me to remember that I hadn't been there in five years. I decided to take a day off from work and go for a walk around the area by myself. The day was sunny and cloudless, and the boardwalk was closed, so there were only boats and the bridge to explore. I took 12 shots in just half an hour. I also happened to have my Canon A570IS with me, so I took a photo of the Fisherman's Wharf with the YASHICA MAT-124G to commemorate my visit.
報紙上說淡水漁人碼頭的遊客銳減,讓我想到這個景點已經有5年未曾到訪,索性向公司請了個特休,自己一個人去拍拍照片。當天風和日麗一點雲都沒有,木棧道沒有開放,只有漁船和跨海大橋可逛,12張底片半個小時內就拍完了,剛好隨身攜帶了Canon A570IS,就幫YASHICA MAT-124G和漁人碼頭的景緻留下一張到此一遊的紀念照。

Photo 1: A boat nearby Fisherman's Wharf  漁人碼頭邊的漁船

Photo 2: Fisherman's Wharf bridge 漁人碼頭的跨海大橋

See other photos in the "Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf" album.

其他照片請參閱 相簿-淡水漁人碼頭

