2012年11月27日 星期二

Yashica Auto Focus S v.s. Kyocera T Scope @ Yuan Shan and Shezi Island 圓山、社子


Annual leave is down to just 4 days, and on the first day, I planned a simple cycling and photography trip from Dajia Riverside Park to Shezi Island. Despite having lived in Taipei for almost 20 years, this was my first visit to Shezi Island. Due to ongoing construction on a river embankment road, I attempted to find an alternative route within the industrial area of Shezi Island. Unfortunately, the industrial zone proved to be too chaotic, with unpleasant odors of chemicals, hardware, and drainage, prompting me to retrace my steps back to the entrance of the Zhumei Expressway. From there, I headed towards Shezi Island (junction of Keelung River and Tamsui River) along the Tamsui River embankment until I saw Guandu Bridge and returned.

年度特休僅剩4天,第一天規劃了簡單的騎單車運動和攝影的行程,從大佳河濱公園騎到社子島。到台北近20年,這還是我第一次到社子島,由於有段河堤道路正在施工,所以我試著繞到社子島內的工業區另尋捷徑,無奈工業區內太過雜亂,而且化學藥品、五金、排水溝等異味讓人聞之卻步,只好循原路走回洲美快速道路的入口,從淡水河河堤這邊往社子島(基隆河與淡水河交界處) 前進,直到看到關渡公與關渡大橋才折返。

Yashica Auto Focus S
I brought along two point-and-shoot cameras today: the Yashica Auto Focus S, an early 80s autofocus point-and-shoot camera with traditional mechanical film loading and rewinding methods, and the Kyocera T scope (sister model to Yashica T scope), a 90s autofocus point-and-shoot camera featuring a Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.8/35 T* coated lens. The Kyocera/Yashica T series point-and-shoot cameras all use Carl Zeiss Tessar lenses, with this particular model having a wider aperture of 2.8, while the others likely feature a 3.5 aperture.

今天帶了2台傻瓜相機:Yashica Auto Focus S是台早期80年代的自動對焦傻瓜相機,過片和回片的方式還是傳統機械式的,很有趣。Kyocera T scope (其姊妹機是 Yashica T scope)是90年代的自動對焦傻瓜相機,賣點是採用了Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.8/35 T*鍍膜的鏡頭。Kyocear/Yashica T 系列傻瓜相機均是採用Carl Zeiss Tessar 鏡頭,除了這台採用了2.8光圈以外,其他的應該都是3.5光圈。

Kyocera T scope

Grand Hotel 圓山飯店 
Yashica Auto Focus S
Yashica Lens 38/2.8, Kodak TMAX400

Grand Hotel 圓山飯店
Kyocera T scope
Carl Zeiss Tessar 35/2.8 T*, Fujifilm RDPIII

Zhumei Expressway 洲美快速道路 
Yashica Auto Focus S
Yashica Lens 38/2.8, Kodak TMAX400

Zhumei Expressway 洲美快速道路  
Kyocera T scope
Carl Zeiss 35/2.8 T*, Fujifilm RDPIII
 For more photos, please refer to the Yuan Shan and Shezi Island Photo Album.
其他相片請參閱 圓山2社子 相簿。

