2013年5月6日 星期一

Hasselblad 500c + Polaroid Magazine 100, Instant Film 拍立得底片


Today is the second time I'm using Fuji's instant peel-apart film. The first time was with the FP-3000b black and white instant peel-apart film, and I didn't keep records then, only a few captured photos. The feeling at that time was that the accuracy of metering was as crucial as with positive film; precise control was needed to capture the desired atmosphere.


Let me introduce the equipment I'm using: Hasselblad 500c + Polaroid Magazine 100. Traditionally, medium-format cameras with interchangeable film backs in the 90s had original or third-party instant peel-apart film backs. In the era of traditional film photography, to confirm aperture, shutter speed, and lighting (flash) effects during shooting, professional photographers often took instant photos to adjust photographic parameters. This practice is considered outdated in the digital photography era. Many enthusiasts of medium and large-format film cameras have switched to digital cameras to achieve the same purpose.

先介紹一下我用的器材 Hasselblad 500c + Polaroid Magazine 100,傳統上可換底片機背的中型相機在90年代都有出原廠或副廠的拍立得撕拉片機背。在傳統底片攝影的時代,為了在拍攝當下確認光圈、快門、光線(閃光燈)等的拍攝效果,職業攝影師們常常會拍攝拍立得相片來調整攝影參數,這在數位攝影的時代已經是很落伍的做法了。很多中大型底片相機的攝影愛好者都已應改用數位相機來達到相同的目的。

Hasselblad 500c, Carl Zeisss Planar 2.8/80, Polariod Magazine 100

The Polaroid Magazine 100 can use two types of film: Fuji FP-100c (color ISO100) and FP-3000b (black and white ISO3200). The film size is 3.2" x 4.2", resulting in images with a 0.2" wide white border. As Hasselblad's film imaging size is 2.2" x 2.2", the captured result will only cover a part of the entire film, and the unexposed parts will appear black.

Polaroid Magazine 100可以用富士FP-100c(彩色ISO100)和FP-3000b(黑白ISO3200)兩種相紙,相紙的大小是 3.2" x 4.2",成像是如下留0.2"寬的白邊的相片。因為哈蘇的底片成像大小是 2.2" x 2.2",所以拍攝結果只會是整個相紙中的一部分,其他部分因為沒有曝光,所以呈現黑色。

Carl Zeiss Distagon 4/50 C,
Fujifilm FP-100c instant photo 拍立得相片

After developing the instant peel-apart film, there's a chance to obtain a negative like the one below. This negative is the black film originally attached to the instant film. The black part can be washed away with a bleaching solution, revealing a film similar to a negative. The side with the black coating is smooth, while the side attached to the instant film has an imaging layer.


Fujifilm FP-100c instant film negative 拍立得負片

Scanning the mentioned instant film negative requires a flatbed scanner with an appropriate light hood due to the large film size. Using a regular negative scanning mode, the negative image can be converted to a positive one. I didn't spend time adjusting colors, and the result has a distinctive LOMO atmosphere, which I find even more appealing.

將上述的拍立得負片用掃瞄器掃描,因為底片很大張,所以應該只有附光罩的平台式掃描器才能勝任,用一般負片的掃瞄模式即可,可將負片影像轉呈正向。我沒有再花時間去調顏色,出來的結果很有 LOMO的氣氛,讓我更喜歡。

Scanned image of Fujifilm FP-100c instant film negative.
Fujifilm FP-100c 拍立得負片掃瞄後成像

